We can help our clients in any industry to stay competitive by optimizing their offerings to their customers or service seekers.
We helped develop a state-of-the-art platform that controls heavy engines via AWS IoT and offers real-time information dashboards for a client in an agriculture related industry. The frontend was done in React and the backend was implemented via Terraform with all AWS Serverless: Aurora DB (MySQL), DynamoDB, API Gateway (Lambdas), IoT Core and Cognito for user management.
Some innovative features delivered through our cutting-edge system for our valued client are:
Google Maps based farming site creation and interactive operations for efficient management and tracking of multiple farming sites.
Farming staff work management and assignment for streamlined workflow and increased productivity.
Central control plane for unified management and coordination of the entire farming staff.
Increased efficiency and productivity in the client's farming operation.
Other Case Studies
Full Scale MVP for Taxes
Virstack developed a custom software solution that optimized crop management processes and increased revenue for an agricultural company.